English Top > Hours of Operation & Fares

Christmas Season  Fares

Season Period : November 9th, 2024 to December 25th, 2024

Click here for details

Hours of Operation

Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation Ropeway Herb Gardens
Open Up Line Closed Down Line Closed Open Closed
Spring   3/20-7/19
Autumn  9/1-11/30
Weekday 9:30 16:45 17:15 10:00 17:00
Weekend and holiday 20:15 21:00 20:30 *1
Summer  7/20-8/31 Every day
Winter   12/1-3/19 Every day 16:45 17:15 17:00

*1 During night-time opening (after 5p.m.), only the top observatory area is open.

- Open all year round without 3 weeks maintenance works in the winter.
- It might be closed due to bad weather such as the strong wind and/or thunder.


Round ticket One-way ticket Remarks
Adult 2,000yen 1,400yen
Youth 1,000yen 700yen Elementary+Junior High School Student
Preschool Child free
Adult 1,500yen Round ticket for evening useonly
Youth 950yen
Bottom Station  >>>  Mid Station
(Interval ticket)
Adult Youth Not enter the Herb Gardens
1,200yen 600yen